Juice Cleansing. WTF is that?

I’m so excited!! Why? I’m starting my juice cleanse tomorrow 🙂 The first time I ever cleansed I had ZERO clue what I was doing. So I decided to do a little post on the 411 of juice cleansing. [click here for before and after juice cleanse pics from last time]


What is a Juice Cleanse? A juice cleanse is a detox diet or method to rid the body of toxins and shrink the stomach.

Why do a juice cleanse? It’s main purpose is to DETOX although not necessarily used to lose weight… the pounds will melt off [ they may or may not stay off depending on how you eat after the cleanse/ how long the cleanse is]

What to do before a juice cleanse.. Try not to binge before had 1. you will just add extra pounds that will need to be lost [yuck!] 2. your body will have a harder time detoxing as it come down from the [chocolate/alcohol/bread/anything fried] high — Just eat healthy, go light on the alch and remember 1. your bod will look super fine after the cleanse 2. think of how AMAZEEE you will feel

During the cleanse… Avoid coffee [try tea- seriously you will live for 3 day] and any animal byproducts [eggs/milk/cheese] . You can have 6oz of lean protein [shrimp/chicken/most fish] and all the veggies you want!! Also, remember to HYDRATE LIKE A MAD WOMAN!

After the cleanse… 1. pat yourself on the back  YOU DID IT 🙂 2. eat light LIGHT LIGHTTT! you don’t want to end up with a tummy ache [worst after a cleanse!] 3. keep it low on the fries/sugar/carbs/alch — && most of all >> treasure your post cleanse bod..

happy cleansing

5 thoughts on “Juice Cleansing. WTF is that?

  1. I’m planning on doing a juicing cleanse this spring, when I have some fresh veggies in my garden. While I have done juicing in the past, I have never tried to just do a juice cleanse, so I will have to give this a try!

  2. I have no idea what veggies to include in my Juice Cleanse next week. SO I think I’m going to hunt around for a few recipes online and shop for the veggies next weekend! I could use this cleanse after a week of eating out and binging on home food LOL!:) Thank you so much Rachel-your blog is awesome for people starting looking to follow a healthy lifestyle!

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