Everyone who is gluten free, always talks about being gluten free.

It’s a cliche but it’s absolutely true. Anyone who choses to be gluten free, whether it is for health or weight loss, always talks about how wonderful it is. I’m blogging today to say I agree. (even tho watching everyone eating pesto pasta at dinner is excruciating.) While still in the midst of a yoga teacher training program, we have been challenged by the instructor to be gluten free and to cut excess sugar out of our diet. CHALLENGE ACCEPTED!

I’m always up for a good change especially when it keeps me in the shape. Directly after my juice cleanse I took on the idea of being gluten free very seriously as well as a few other changes in my eating habits. Not only have I maintained my juice cleanse results (which is SUPER hard bc you can gain the weight back as quick as you lost it) but I have gone above and beyond my juicing standards. I’m down to 113.0 and a 25 inch waist 🙂  Below I have answered my own, and probably many others questions about being gluten free…

*What does it mean to be gluten free? To be gluten free means to be free of wheat, barley, rye and any derivatives of those grains. 

*What are the benefits of being gluten free? Besides not needing to work off the unnecessary carbs and cals… Even if you aren’t allergic to gluten your body can digest easier without it leading to a quicker weight loss and less bloat/water weight on a regular basis.

*What can I eat if I can’t have carbs? You can have carbs, just the good kinds such as potatoes and rice. Many restaurants and brands are choosing to go gluten free.

A few quick tips..

For a quick detox everyday: drink warm water with 1/2 a lemon every morning before you eat anything else (this is super yummy and super good for your bod!)

I chose to avoid most gluten free breads, crackers, and snacks, mainly because I hate the way they taste. However, If I’m DYING for a wrap or something I allow myself 1 cheat day a week to have gluten because I am not allergic to it.

Gluten free pasta is good! Also introduce  yourself to quinoa if you aren’t already aquatinted its delishhh!

Don’t get too hung up on anything, or freak out that you’re going to blow up like a whale because you had 4 ritz crackers… but do try and want what you have instead of having what you want.

A few delicious ideas I have cooked:

*Quinoa w/ roasted red peppers, eggplant, portobello mushrooms, & goat cheese*Basmati rice w/ sesame chicken and sautéed broccoli, carrots, and mushrooms covered in soy sauce

*BBQ chicken w/ potatoes stuffed with turkey bacon, greek yogurt, and cheddar almond cheese

*Egg whites w/ spinach, tomatoes, turkey, and brie w/ a side of horseradish mustard (pictured)

*Amy’s gluten free Mac & Cheese (found in your frozen section, microwaves in minutes)

See.. it’s really not that bad..

Actually, I barely even think about it. Especially because I treat myself to a Soy Chai Latte from Tazza basically once sometimes twice a day which suppresses any cravings I have.


One thought on “Everyone who is gluten free, always talks about being gluten free.

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